What are the improvements to Carlson over previous versions? (a running thread)
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Carlson released the 2023 version of their desktop products on November 1, 2022. They released Survey OEM 2023 on November 14, 2022. Click here to download a PDF of improvements in Carlson 2023 products.
Carlson released the 2022 version of their desktop products on December 30, 2021. Click here to download a PDF of improvements in Carlson 2022 products.
Carlson released the 2021 version of their desktop products on September 23, 2020. Click here to download a PDF of improvements in Carlson 2021 products.
Carlson released the 2020/R11 version of Carlson Takeoff with embedded AutoCAD (OEM) on October 21, 2019. Click here to download a PDF of improvements in Takeoff T11.

Carlson released the 2020 version of their desktop products on October 1, 2019. Click here to download a PDF of improvements in Carlson 2020 products.

Carlson released the 2019 version of their desktop products on September 25, 2018. Click here to download a PDF of improvements in Carlson 2019 products.
And, they released the 2018/T10 version of Carlson Takeoff with embedded AutoCAD (OEM) on October 20, 2017. Click here to download a PDF of improvements in Takeoff T10.

Carlson released the 2018 version of their desktop products on August 31, 2017. Click here to download a PDF of improvements in Carlson 2018 products.

Carlson released the 2017 version of their desktop products on July 28, 2016. Click here to download a PDF of improvements in Carlson 2017 products.
Carlson released the 2016 version of their desktop products on August 3, 2015. Click here to download a PDF of improvements in Carlson 2016 products.
Carlson released the 2015 version of their desktop products on July 22, 2014. Click here to download a PDF of improvements in Carlson 2015 products.

    If you find the material on this website helpful, please consider supporting That CAD Girl by requesting a custom proposal or emailing us at ContactUs@ThatCADGirl.com the next time you need to renew your maintenance, upgrade or purchase new software.

    What is the latest and greatest version/build of my Carlson Software? (a running thread)
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    New versions of most Carlson Software desktop products are released on an annual basis (Civil Suite 2016, Takeoff 2016, Takeoff R8, etc) and Carlson field software every 1-2 years (SurvCE 4.0, SurvPC 5.0, etc). However, in between these major releases Carlson will post patches called “Builds” that fix bugs or errors that have been found since the initial release.
    If you are having trouble or suspect you have found a bug, the first thing to do is make sure you have the latest “Build” installed for your version of software. This FAQ shows how to find the Build Date of the software you have installed.
    Next, you’ll want to visit Carlson’s downloads page, specify your program and version, and see if a newer Build is available.
    With the addition of this FAQ feature on my website I am going to keep this post as a “running thread” and will add to and update it as new Builds are posted. However, you can always visit Carlson’s site to confirm the version shown here is the latest and greatest available.

    Carlson Survey/Civil/Mining/Takeoff for CAD

    This can be installed on AutoCAD or with included Intellicad.

    The following modules are included: Survey, Civil, Hydrology, GIS, Basic Mining, Geology, Underground Mining, Surface Mining, Natural Regrade, Field, CADnet, GeoTech, Trench, Construction and Point Clouds.

    VersionBuild Date

    Carlson Survey with Embedded AutoCAD (OEM)

    VersionBuild Date

    Carlson Takeoff with Embedded AutoCAD (OEM)

    VersionBuild Date

    SurvCE Data Collection Software

    VersionBuild Date

    SurvPC Data Collection Software

    VersionBuild Date

    Precision 3D Software (Topo, Drill, Blast and Hydro)

    VersionBuild Date

      If you find the material on this website helpful, please consider supporting That CAD Girl by requesting a custom proposal or emailing us at ContactUs@ThatCADGirl.com the next time you need to renew your maintenance, upgrade or purchase new software.

      My Maintenance is Current… Where’s My Upgrade?
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      One of the best things about keeping your Carlson Software maintenance plan up-to-date is that you have access to the latest and greatest version of the software whenever you’re ready to take the plunge! Some users can’t wait to install the newest version as soon as it’s released but others wait for the first new Build to be posted and then go for it.

      With the building out of your That CAD Girl Customer Portal, we are doing our best to have all the information you need about your serial numbers easily accessible and available to you.

      As soon as possible after a new release, we will post your new, upgraded serial number(s) to your Customer Portal and will upload a new maintenance report showing your new serial number(s). However, if you get to this before we do… you can use the Carlson Software Serial Number Upgrade Lookup site to get your new serial number as soon as it’s released.






      You will need the items listed below. Your serial number and Carlson Customer ID can be found on your That CAD Girl Customer Portal:

      • Your current serial number
      • Your Carlson Customer ID
      • Phone Number
      • Email Address

        If you find the material on this website helpful, please consider supporting That CAD Girl by requesting a custom proposal or emailing us at ContactUs@ThatCADGirl.com the next time you need to renew your maintenance, upgrade or purchase new software.

        I’ve Installed My Carlson Software – Now What Do I Do?
        Does Carlson Software Still Offer Perpetual Licenses?
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        The change from a perpetual license model (you purchase once and continue to use it forever) to a subscription license model (you pay by the month or by the year for access) in our little CAD corner of the world has sparked a lot of questions, debate and heartburn.

        In 2015 Autodesk announced they would be shifting toward a subscription model of delivery for their AutoCAD-based products. Although some Autodesk accounts and products were grandfathered in, any new purchases of AutoCAD are now available by subscription only. And, the kicker, you stop paying, you can’t access the software or your data.

        Carlson Software remains committed to the perpetual license model where you, the user, never have to worry about losing access to your software or data. Carlson’s desktop software includes a license of IntelliCAD so, if you ever stop paying for your AutoCAD, Carlson with IntelliCAD can give you another option to open your DWG files. If you want to ensure you have “perpetual” access to all your other data such as points, surfaces, road designs and more – make sure you archive your project data to Land XML files so that it can be retrieved with other land development, survey, civil and construction software programs.

        See also: How can I access and use my old Civil 3d, Land Desktop, Eagle Point or Terra Model data?

        See also: Get a Perpetual License with Carlson or download PDF

        See also: Robert Green’s CAD Manager’s Newsletter #350 Autodesk Goes Subscription-Only in 2016 or download PDF

        See also: Autodesk Courtesy Notice: End of Perpetual Licenses Sales, including individual products and suites

          If you find the material on this website helpful, please consider supporting That CAD Girl by requesting a custom proposal or emailing us at ContactUs@ThatCADGirl.com the next time you need to renew your maintenance, upgrade or purchase new software.

          What you should know about purchasing Carlson Software
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          Carlson Platform Options

          IntelliCAD/for CAD

          Carlson Software’s desktop programs can be installed as a standalone program on top of IntelliCAD or on top of your separately purchased, full-AutoCAD-based program.

          Carlson includes the latest version of IntelliCAD with every purchase.

          The full-AutoCAD-based program can be AutoCAD, AutoCAD Map, Land Desktop, Civil 3D or other vertical – but does NOT include AutoCAD LT.

          Embedded AutoCAD (OEM)

          Carlson Survey and Takeoff can also be purchased and installed standalone with embedded AutoCAD (also known as the OEM version).

          The embedded AutoCAD (OEM) programs include a limited, stripped-down version of AutoCAD that has functionality similar to AutoCAD LT.

          The embedded AutoCAD (OEM) programs do not include IntelliCAD and do not require a separate purchase of AutoCAD.

          The embedded AutoCAD (OEM) programs are a completely separate install than the programs that run with IntelliCAD or separately purchased license of full-AutoCAD and, although both programs can be installed on the same computer, the programs cannot be “combined”. For instance, if you own a license Survey OEM and also a license of Carlson GIS with IntelliCAD and need to access commands in both programs for work on a single drawing (.dwg) file, you would have to close the drawing out of the Survey OEM and then open it in the GIS program to do the work there.

          Refer to our Buying Guide FAQs for pros and cons and more information about the different platforms.

          Retail Pricing for Carlson Software

          Current as of October 2019

          ProgramRetail Price of StandaloneRetail Price of NetworkThat CAD Girl Pricing
          Select Suite - Pick 6 (from Survey, Civil, Hydrology, GIS, Point Cloud Basic, CadNet)$ 4,750$ 5,225* See in store
          Select Suite - Pick 5 (from Survey, Civil, Hydrology, GIS, Point Cloud Basic, CadNet)$ 4,350$ 4,785* See in store
          Civil Suite or Select Suite Pick 4 (from Survey, Civil, Hydrology, GIS, Point Cloud Basic, CadNet)$ 3,950$ 4,345* See in store
          Select Suite - Pick 3 (from Survey, Civil, Hydrology, GIS, Point Cloud Basic, CadNet)$ 3,550$ 3,905* See in store
          Select Suite - Pick 2 (from Survey, Civil, Hydrology, GIS, Point Cloud Basic, CadNet)$ 2,950$ 3,135* See in store
          Survey$ 1,950$ 2,145* See in store
          Civil$ 1,750$ 1,925* See in store
          Hydrology$ 1,250$ 1,375* See in store
          GIS$ 1,095$ 1,205* See in store
          Takeoff Suite
          (Construction, CADNet, Trench, GeoTech)
          $ 7,500$ 8,250* See in store
          Construction$ 3,750$ 4,125* See in store
          CADNet$ 1,595$ 1,755* See in store
          Trench$ 1,595$ 1,755* See in store
          GeoTech$ 1,595$ 1,755* See in store
          Takeoff with embedded AutoCAD (OEM)$ 9,000$ 9,900* See in store
          Survey with embedded AutoCAD (OEM)$ 2,995$ 3,295* See in store
          Other Software or HardwareRequest Pricing
          or *See in store

          * Prices shown in our online store reflects Carlson Software’s Minimum Advertised Pricing (MAP) policy but additional discounts may be available through That CAD Girl by requesting custom pricing.

          Carlson Software Annual Maintenance

          Carlson’s Annual Maintenance is an OPTIONAL program that allows you to keep your software up-to-date with the latest version of the software. Every new license includes 90 days of maintenance for free. This ensures that, if a new version is released within 90 days of your purchase, you will automatically receive the newest version of the software.

          If it is renewed prior to expiration, maintenance costs 10% of the retail price of the software. See Upgrading Carlson Software below for more information about renewals after maintenance has expired.

          Carlson’s Annual Maintenance is NOT available for embedded AutoCAD (OEM) products, for SurvCE or for SurvPC. It is only available for IntelliCAD/for CAD-based products.

          Carlson’s policy on Software Maintenance can be viewed by clicking here.

          ProgramRetail Price
          of Standalone
          Annual Maintenance
          for Standalone
          Retail Price
          of Network
          Annual Maintenance
          for Network
          Select Suite Pick 6$ 4,750$ 475$ 5,225$ 522.50
          Select Suite Pick 5$ 4,350$ 435$ 4,785$ 478.50
          Select Suite Pick 4$ 3,950$ 395$ 4,345$ 434.50
          Select Suite Pick 3$ 3,550$ 355$ 3,905$ 390.50
          Select Suite Pick 2$ 2,750$ 275$ 3,025$ 302.50
          Civil Suite$ 3,950$ 395$ 4,345$ 434.50
          Survey$ 1,950$ 195$ 2,145$ 214.50
          Civil$ 1,750$ 175$ 1,925$ 192.50
          Hydrology$ 1,250$ 125$ 1,375$ 137.50
          GIS$ 1,095$ 109.50$ 1,205$ 120.50
          Takeoff Suite$ 7,500$ 750$ 8,250$ 825.00
          Construction$ 3,750$ 375$ 4,125$ 412.50
          CADNet$ 1,595$ 159.50$ 1,755$ 175.45
          Trench$ 1,595$ 159.50$ 1,755$ 175.50
          GeoTech$ 1,595$ 159.50$ 1,755$ 175.50

          Upgrading Carlson Software

          Upgrading IntelliCAD/for CAD Products

          Upgrading Carlson’s non-OEM desktop products is done through the Maintenance Plan.

          If it is renewed prior to expiration, maintenance costs 10% of the retail price of the software. If Maintenance is not renewed prior to expiration, a 1-year Maintenance Plan costs 15% of software list price and increases by 5% per year after the expiration date.

          If your license is not currently on maintenance, you can pay the maintenance fee plus an expiration fee which will both upgrade you to the current version of the program AND include any upgrades that are released within the maintenance year.

          Maintenance StatusAnnual Maintenance
          (Percentage of Retail)
          Expiration Fee
          (Percentage of Retail)
          Total Fee
          (Percentage of Retail)
          1 year behind10%10%15%
          2 years behind10%20%20%
          3 years behind10%30%25%
          4 or more years behind10%40%50%

          Sample Upgrade & Maintenance Renewal Pricing

          Program# of Years ExpiredRetail PriceTotal Fee
          (Percentage of Retail)
          Total Fee to Upgrade and/or
          Renew Maintenance for 1 Year
          maintenance is current
          $ 1,85010%$ 185.00
          SurveyLess than 1
          maintenance has expired
          $ 1,85020%$ 370.00
          Networked SurveyLess than 1
          maintenance has expired
          $ 2,03520%$ 407.00
          Civil Suite or Select Suite Pick 40
          maintenance is current
          $ 3,95010%$ 395.00
          Civil Suite or Select Suite Pick 4Less than 1
          maintenance has expired
          $ 3,95020%$ 790.00
          Networked Civil Suite or Select Suite Pick 4Less than 1
          maintenance has expired
          $ 4,34520%$ 869.00

          Upgrading Survey and Takeoff with Embedded AutoCAD (OEM) Products

          The cost to upgrade Carlson’s OEM products varies depending on the program and how many versions behind you are.

          Follow this link then click on Request a Custom Proposal to request upgrade pricing.

          Competitive Upgrades

          Periodically That CAD Girl offers competitive upgrade pricing for anyone wishing to trade-in Civil 3d, Land Desktop, Eagle Point, Terra Model or other similar product.

          Follow this link then click on Request a Custom Proposal to see if additional discounts are available.

          System Requirements for Desktop Software

          Because it changes from version to version, my “go-to” answer is going to always point to this page where Carlson lists the minimum system requirements for running Carlson with embedded AutoCAD (OEM), on top of AutoCAD and with IntelliCAD.

          You may also keep an eye on our System Requirements and Hardware Compatibility FAQs for the latest information.

          30 Day Trials

          Want to try before you buy? Any Carlson desktop software is available for a 30 day trial – just Click right here!

          Then click on Request a 30 day Trial Serial Number

          Once you decide to purchase, you won’t even need to uninstall. You can activate your software by simply updating your registration with your purchased serial number.

          Technical Support & Training

          Carlson Software offers FREE technical support for Carlson Software and IntelliCAD. This is the case whether you are running the latest version of Carlson or one that’s 10 years old or, even, if you’re only trying before you buy.

          You can see all the opportunities for training with That CAD Girl here and you can follow these links for to see our FAQs about the training and technical support available from Carlson and That CAD Girl.

            If you find the material on this website helpful, please consider supporting That CAD Girl by requesting a custom proposal or emailing us at ContactUs@ThatCADGirl.com the next time you need to renew your maintenance, upgrade or purchase new software.

            How is the price of Carlson maintenance calculated?
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            Updated 9/1/2019: Carlson announced that they are increasing prices for maintenance renewals as of 9/1/2019 – you can view this as a PDF here.

            If it is renewed prior to expiration, the price will remain the same – 10% of the retail price of the software.

            However, if Maintenance is not renewed prior to expiration, a 1-year Maintenance Plan costs 20% of software list price and increases by 10% per year after the expiration date.

            But, regardless of how many years you’ve fallen behind, Carlson will never charge more than 50% of the current retail price of the software in order to bring your license up to the current version.

            If it is renewed prior to expiration, maintenance costs 10% of the retail price of the software. If Maintenance is not renewed prior to expiration, a 1-year Maintenance Plan costs 15% of software list price and increases by 5% per year after the expiration date.

            If your license is not currently on maintenance, you can pay the maintenance fee plus an expiration fee which will both upgrade you to the current version of the program AND include any upgrades that are released within the maintenance year.

            Carlson’s policy on Software Maintenance can be viewed by clicking here.

            Maintenance StatusAnnual Maintenance
            (Percentage of Retail)
            Expiration Fee
            (Percentage of Retail)
            Total Fee
            (Percentage of Retail)
            1 year behind10%10%15%
            2 years behind10%20%20%
            3 years behind10%30%25%
            4 or more years behind10%40%50%

            ProgramRetail Price
            of Standalone
            Annual Maintenance
            for Standalone
            Retail Price
            of Network
            Annual Maintenance
            for Network
            Select Suite Pick 6$ 4,750$ 475$ 5,225$ 522.50
            Select Suite Pick 5$ 4,350$ 435$ 4,785$ 478.50
            Select Suite Pick 4$ 3,950$ 395$ 4,345$ 434.50
            Select Suite Pick 3$ 3,550$ 355$ 3,905$ 390.50
            Select Suite Pick 2$ 2,750$ 275$ 3,025$ 302.50
            Civil Suite$ 3,950$ 395$ 4,345$ 434.50
            Survey$ 1,950$ 195$ 2,145$ 214.50
            Civil$ 1,750$ 175$ 1,925$ 192.50
            Hydrology$ 1,250$ 125$ 1,375$ 137.50
            GIS$ 1,095$ 109.50$ 1,205$ 120.50
            Takeoff Suite$ 7,500$ 750$ 8,250$ 825.00
            Construction$ 3,750$ 375$ 4,125$ 412.50
            CADNet$ 1,595$ 159.50$ 1,755$ 175.45
            Trench$ 1,595$ 159.50$ 1,755$ 175.50
            GeoTech$ 1,595$ 159.50$ 1,755$ 175.50

            Sample Upgrade & Maintenance Renewal Pricing

            Program# of Years ExpiredRetail PriceTotal Fee
            (Percentage of Retail)
            Total Fee to Upgrade and/or
            Renew Maintenance for 1 Year
            maintenance is current
            $ 1,85010%$ 185.00
            SurveyLess than 1
            maintenance has expired
            $ 1,85020%$ 370.00
            Networked SurveyLess than 1
            maintenance has expired
            $ 2,03520%$ 407.00
            Civil Suite or Select Suite Pick 40
            maintenance is current
            $ 3,95010%$ 395.00
            Civil Suite or Select Suite Pick 4Less than 1
            maintenance has expired
            $ 3,95020%$ 790.00
            Networked Civil Suite or Select Suite Pick 4Less than 1
            maintenance has expired
            $ 4,34520%$ 869.00

              If you find the material on this website helpful, please consider supporting That CAD Girl by requesting a custom proposal or emailing us at ContactUs@ThatCADGirl.com the next time you need to renew your maintenance, upgrade or purchase new software.

              Are there any problems running Carlson on Windows 10?
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              Updated August 2019:

              Carlson Software running on Windows 10 seems to present just a couple of issues: registration and graphics card/performance. If you encounter any issues you may also want to check in here to see if you can narrow down the problem: KB 1078: Troubleshooting Guide.


              When Windows 10 originally came out, Carlson 2015 and earlier versions would not install and Carlson had to change the program to make it work, so Carlson 2016 was the first one supported on Windows 10. Microsoft may have changed Windows 10 since then and it’s possible that these versions will install today.

              If you ARE able to install these versions, Carlson will able to help with the registration; however, every time Windows 10 has major update, Carlson products prior to the 2017 release will likely lose their registration and will have to be re-registered because Windows changes the signature that was used for the initial registration. Carlson has re-worked this mechanism to avoid the problem in later releases.

              Graphics Cards and Performance Issues:

              Carlson KB1108: Slow entities creation and modification on Windows 10

              Carlson KB1123: Changing graphics card settings to use your dedicated GPU on a Windows computer

              Carlson KB1131: NVidia video card: visual artifacts, pixelized lines, wrong text display

              Only one that seems to show up every once in awhile… But it’s Microsoft’s fault!!

              Windows 10 does updates – automatic updates – a lot. And, sometimes these updates can mess with your Carlson license registration. Carlson has free technical support so you can always call 606.564.5028 or email them at support@carlsonsw.com during regular business hours but, if this happens on a weekend, their support staff is probably out enjoying Kentucky bourbon. Or something.

              So, when Murphy’s Law strikes, you can refer to this Knowledge Base article on Carlson’s website: Carlson KB 995: Windows 10 effect on previously registered software.

                If you find the material on this website helpful, please consider supporting That CAD Girl by requesting a custom proposal or emailing us at ContactUs@ThatCADGirl.com the next time you need to renew your maintenance, upgrade or purchase new software.

                How can I find out when new versions or builds of Carlson are released?
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                You can visit Carlson’s Email Preference Center and sign up to receive emails directly from Carlson for updates.

                You can also refer to this FAQ for an active list of the most recent builds for most of the desktop and Carlson field software programs.

                  If you find the material on this website helpful, please consider supporting That CAD Girl by requesting a custom proposal or emailing us at ContactUs@ThatCADGirl.com the next time you need to renew your maintenance, upgrade or purchase new software.

                  How do I know if I’m running the latest build of my Carlson Software?
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                  The first time you launch your Carlson Software after a computer restart, the program will usually check in with Carlson’s website to see if a new build of the software has been posted; however, sometimes this automatic Check for Updates doesn’t occur and you have to force it to check.
                  There is a link to Check for Updates in your Windows Carlson Software program folder as shown below:

                  Rather than use the Check for Updates link, if you need Carlson Software help, you can also follow these FAQs to manually check and see if the build you currently have installed is the same as the one posted on Carlson’s Software Downloads page.

                    If you find the material on this website helpful, please consider supporting That CAD Girl by requesting a custom proposal or emailing us at ContactUs@ThatCADGirl.com the next time you need to renew your maintenance, upgrade or purchase new software.

                    Maintenance for my SurvCE & SurvPC – Since when?
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                    Yeah, well, that was short-lived. Carlson offered maintenance on SurvCE & SurvPC for only about a year and then discontinued it because there’s no guarantee a new version will come out every year. Carlson has now gone back to a straight upgrade type program. You can follow this link then click on Request a Custom Proposal to request upgrade pricing.

                    If you purchased maintenance during that time feel free to send me a message and I’ll see if you’re eligible for an automatic upgrade.

                      If you find the material on this website helpful, please consider supporting That CAD Girl by requesting a custom proposal or emailing us at ContactUs@ThatCADGirl.com the next time you need to renew your maintenance, upgrade or purchase new software.

                      Do I qualify for an automatic upgrade to the new version of Carlson?
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                      With every new license of Carlson that includes IntelliCAD or runs on top of your AutoCAD, Carlson includes 90 days of free Maintenance at no charge. This is Carlson’s way of guaranteeing that, if a new version of the software is released within 90 days of purchase, you will automatically be upgraded.

                      Also, you have the option of purchasing Maintenance for any of the desktop software with IntelliCAD or for your AutoCAD.

                      Bottom line: If your Maintenance is current when a new version is released, you’re eligible for an automatic upgrade to the new version.

                      Follow this link then click on Request a Custom Proposal to get pricing for upgrades or maintenance renewal or even just to request a report of your current licensing.

                        If you find the material on this website helpful, please consider supporting That CAD Girl by requesting a custom proposal or emailing us at ContactUs@ThatCADGirl.com the next time you need to renew your maintenance, upgrade or purchase new software.

                        I’m not in your state/region/country – can I buy my software from you?
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                        Yes, you sure can!

                        And sometimes I’m able to give discounts or access to my monthly webinars for new customers so give me a call, send me an email or follow this link and click on Request a Custom Proposal to see what is available!

                          If you find the material on this website helpful, please consider supporting That CAD Girl by requesting a custom proposal or emailing us at ContactUs@ThatCADGirl.com the next time you need to renew your maintenance, upgrade or purchase new software.

                          I can’t seem to keep up with my Carlson maintenance – Can you help?
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                          Carlson generates and sends renewal notices automatically but sometimes the notices don’t make it to you for various reasons. So, I try to keep up with my customers renewal dates, send reminders and follow up.

                          Whether you’re using one of the programs eligible for maintenance or an embedded AutoCAD (OEM) product that requires basic upgrades, you can contact us to request a report of your current licenses and I will request the information Carlson, get your report and follow up with you.

                          If you already know what you need, you can follow this link then click on Request a Custom Proposal to request pricing.

                            If you find the material on this website helpful, please consider supporting That CAD Girl by requesting a custom proposal or emailing us at ContactUs@ThatCADGirl.com the next time you need to renew your maintenance, upgrade or purchase new software.

                            I didn’t buy my software from you, but can you take care of my maintenance and upgrades?
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                            Yes, I sure can!

                            And sometimes I’m able to give discounts or access to my monthly webinars for new customers so give me a call, send me an email or follow this link and click on Request a Custom Proposal to see what is available!

                              If you find the material on this website helpful, please consider supporting That CAD Girl by requesting a custom proposal or emailing us at ContactUs@ThatCADGirl.com the next time you need to renew your maintenance, upgrade or purchase new software.

                              I think I found a bug in my Carlson Software – how can I get it resolved?
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                              In addition to the annual release of new versions of their software (2015, 2016, 2017, etc), Carlson posts minor updates called “Builds” through the year to fix bugs and other problems found after the initial release.

                              If you encounter a bug in the program, you’ll first want to check for updates to see if you’re running the latest build of your program. If not, the latest build might resolve the issue.

                              There is a link to Check for Updates in your Windows Carlson Software program folder as shown below:










                              Rather than use the Check for Updates link, you can follow these FAQs to see if the build you currently have installed is the same as the one posted on Carlson’s Software Downloads page.

                              Once you’ve confirmed you’re running the latest build, you have several ways to submit a request for tech support.

                              After they have verified it’s a repeatable error/bug, Carlson may handle it a couple of ways. If it’s a stop-work situation for you in the latest version, Carlson will work to correct it and send you updated program files with instruction on how and where to copy them. Anyone else who stumbles upon the same issue will get the same files sent to them.

                              Your bug fix will be incorporated into the next build of the program when it’s posted to Carlson’s website.

                                If you find the material on this website helpful, please consider supporting That CAD Girl by requesting a custom proposal or emailing us at ContactUs@ThatCADGirl.com the next time you need to renew your maintenance, upgrade or purchase new software.

                                Where do I find the build date or build number of my Carlson Software?
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                                To find the build date/build number of the software you have installed, go to the Help Menu > About Carlson. The build will be listed in the top line of the white text box.

                                The number shown here roughly corresponds to the date that the updated file was posted to Carlson’s downloads page using a YY/MM/DD format. Refer to this FAQ to find the current build of the software you have installed.


                                  If you find the material on this website helpful, please consider supporting That CAD Girl by requesting a custom proposal or emailing us at ContactUs@ThatCADGirl.com the next time you need to renew your maintenance, upgrade or purchase new software.

                                  What’s the difference between Carlson’s annual maintenance and an Autodesk subscription?
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                                  Other than one being wildly expensive and like doing a stint in Supermax? Just kidding…

                                  The main difference between Carlson’s maintenance plan and Autodesk’s subscription is that Carlson’s tech support is not tied to maintenance at all while Autodesk tech support is only available for no additional fee to those who are current on subscription.

                                  Also, in the past few years, there have been so many changes to Autodesk’s Subscription policies that it’s practically impossible to keep up and know exactly what you’re getting for that big price tag.

                                  Regardless of whether you’re current on maintenance, whether you’ve let it lapse, whether you’re using today’s version of the software or whether you’re using a version that’s 10 years old, tech support is free from Carlson.

                                  You can view the Carlson Software Maintenance Policy here

                                    If you find the material on this website helpful, please consider supporting That CAD Girl by requesting a custom proposal or emailing us at ContactUs@ThatCADGirl.com the next time you need to renew your maintenance, upgrade or purchase new software.

                                    Does Carlson retire their products?
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                                    Well, to my knowledge, they haven’t retired any yet.
                                    That doesn’t mean they won’t in the future or that you’ll get a “we’ll fix that tomorrow!” answer for every problem for every past release… but I am not aware of any programs they have stopped supporting.

                                      If you find the material on this website helpful, please consider supporting That CAD Girl by requesting a custom proposal or emailing us at ContactUs@ThatCADGirl.com the next time you need to renew your maintenance, upgrade or purchase new software.

                                      How do I register my Carlson Software? And what are change keys?
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                                      After installation of any Carlson desktop software program, you will be required to register the serial number that was entered during the install process. After the software and serial number has been successfully registered a report will be displayed on screen. The registration report includes a 5-digit “Change Key” that eliminates most steps in the registration process in the event that you need to re-install with the same serial number.  It is best to print or otherwise save this report for future reference.
                                      In the first tab of the dialog box you must specify your Registration Method. If you have a change key from a previous registration, you can simply choose the option Already have a change key. Otherwise, choose the option Register to obtain a change key.




                                      In the next tab you must specify the Reason for Installation from one of these 5 options:



                                      1. Initial install or maintenance upgrade of Carlson
                                      2. Re-installation of Carlson
                                      3. Windows or AutoCAD Upgrade
                                      4. Home/Field use. See License Agreement.
                                      5. New Hardware (new hard drive, network card, new computer)

                                      It’s a little dated but you can refer to this Knowledge Base article from Carlson’s website explaining these options: Carlson KB 893: Desktop Software Reasons for Registration. This FAQ explains where to find your Carlson Software License Agreement (EULA).

                                        If you find the material on this website helpful, please consider supporting That CAD Girl by requesting a custom proposal or emailing us at ContactUs@ThatCADGirl.com the next time you need to renew your maintenance, upgrade or purchase new software.


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